What I Learned from the Military Influencer Conference

What I Learned from the Military Influencer Conference

I went solo to the Military Influencer Conference. Who knows what to expect? But, I just knew I had taken my blog as far as I could without any help. It was my first industry conference, and I am not going to lie, it was awkward at first, but I had to take the pill I prescribe to all of you guys. I need to step outside my comfort zone and invest in training. I need to become a better blogger.

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Moving-with-the-Military-at-Military-Influencer-COnference-Dallas What I Learned from the Military Influencer Conference


The Military Influencer Conference

Investment in Blogging


I’ve been meaning to attend a blogging conference for years, but couldn’t rationalize the cost while I was living in South Korea. After moving to the Austin area, I found out the Military Influencer Conference was going to be held a few hours away in Dallas, so I registered. And I am so glad I did because the takeaway was so much more than I expected.


1. Whova App, Military Influencers FB page & LinkedIn

This should have been a no-brainer. I should have installed the app and interacted with the people in the Facebook group. I got there and stumbled around, wondering why everybody else seemed to know each other. Some of them did. But most of them connected via Facebook and the app.

Everyone had a LinkedIn page. I did too, but I barely looked at it. In the last three days, I have connected with a lot of the people I met, and I have two job interviews this week alone.



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2. Get a Good Night’s Sleep


I am a night person, but I should have forced myself to go to sleep because I dragged both mornings. That was prime time to network with people one-on-one before the seminars began, and I didn’t take advantage of that.



3. You Can Never Go Home Again


Military spouses are members of a greater community. You never leave. I need to get my sh!t together as Heather Dobson, one of the speakers bluntly put it. And reach out to other military spouse content creators for inspiration and collaboration. I met some pretty remarkable people. Some of them knew me from my blog.  And those that didn’t make a concerted effort to help me become a better blogger. Now I have people who will mentor me so I can reach my blogging goals.




4. No Question Has to Go Unanswered


All the speakers made themselves available for additional questions. I appreciated the opportunity to hone in on why my Pinterest Page was not working for me. Lauren Tamm gave an excellent presentation on Pinterest and sat down with me afterward to look at my account. I have a lot of work ahead of me with that platform, but I feel like it’s well worth it after her advice.



5. Military Spouse Content Creators


It’s a small world. When I sat down on the bus, I had no idea that the lady who sat next to me was Jen Pilcher. I knew what Military One Click was, but we had never met. We talked about paid sponsors, affiliates, and how she eventually sold her business. But the honest and personal insight she gave me about what it took to succeed and how it impacted her marriage helped me the most.



6. After the Military Influencer Conference

Follow-up Lessons Learned


If I thought I was going to come back home and continue to work on my business alone, I was wrong. I was dead wrong. I am overwhelmed by the follow-up from some of the military spouses, Veterans, and sponsors I met over those two days in Dallas. We have built some robust networks, and I know that when its time for #milblogging18, I’ll be ready to roll.



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  1. Rebecca Swenor

    It sounds like you really learned a lot at the Military influence conference. The app and the facebook page is something you know about for the next conference you go too. These conferences are always awesome for making connections with others. Thanks for sharing sharing your awesome experience and the information.

    1. duffelbagspouse

      I could not agree with you more. None of can do anything alone, its nice to have blogger friends who are willing to share their knowledge and best practices without fearing they’ll lose something. We are all have something to teach and something to learn.

    1. duffelbagspouse

      What nice is that everyone can appeal to the military community, you don’t have to be a Veteran or a military spouse. That market is huge and looking for diverse products and services.

  2. Jelena

    It’s still very difficult for me to get out of my comfort zone. I hope that I will soon decide on something like that and maybe I will visit a conference that interests me.J

  3. Sam

    I’ve learned getting out of my comfort zone is key to growing! Looks like you had a great time and made a lot of new awesome contacts!

  4. Sondra Barker

    I’m glad you had such a positive experience at this conference! I’ve never attended one, but it looks like there’s tons to learn, even when you think you know it all haha

    Sondra xx

  5. Roselle Cee Tee

    I’ll be attending a Marketing Unconference in November 27 and as early as October when I found out I was chosen, I’ve been feeling nervous. It will be my first time and I don’t know anyone else attending. But you are right, we should step out of our comfort zone.

  6. GiGi Eats

    Ido love going to these events every so often because I love meeting people – especially the people I have connected with through the blogging world!! They can definitely be a bit overwhelming and intimidating, but the whelm will calm down soon enough!

  7. Amber Myers

    This sounds like an amazing conference. I’ll have to see if they ever come to San Antonio. I might check it out though I’m an introvert 😉 And I just love Military One Click! So cool!

    1. duffelbagspouse

      He Amber, next year it’s going to be in Orlando, but I’m sure if you do a search you can find something else closer to San Antonio. And Jen is amazing… imagine creating a website that two major players ended up fighting over?

  8. Sheri

    Sometimes when you can jump over your shadow and step out of your comfort zone then you can achieve so much. Great that you got good feedback.

    1. duffelbagspouse

      Thanks Sheri and you’re right, sometimes it’s just a matter of getting out of your own way.

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